FBLA FLC Attendees

Dundy County Stratton FBLA officers, members, and advisers attended the Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference in Kearney, Nebraska on Tuesday, September 26. The conference is designed to train local officers and members, to share information on Nebraska FBLA activities and goals, and to provide a significant “kick-off” for a successful FBLA program of work.  Members and advisers learned how to level up their confidence by listening to Coach V.J., a mental performance coach.  Vera Jo “V.J”. Bustos talked about ways to increase confidence and create a better understanding of how to break the barriers of our own confidence killers such as negative thoughts, assumptions and doubts, limiting beliefs and self-perceived weaknesses.  With this year’s theme in mind, “Together We Achieve,” local officers came home prepared to take the charge with new ideas for service and learning for our members throughout the year.