Cell phones in school

You may be aware that the DCS School Board passed a revision to our cell phone use policy that prohibits cell phone usage during school in our student handbook.  You may not be aware of the thoughtful reflection and research that preceded this change.  

There are many articles published that have linked cell phone use to student mental well being issues.  Here is an excerpt from one such study "Results: Prevalence rates of smartphone-related compulsive behavior, functional impairment, tolerance and withdrawal symptoms were substantial. 35.9% felt tired during daytime due to late-night smartphone use, 38.1% acknowledged decreased sleep quality, and 35.8% slept less than four hours due to smartphone use more than once. "( Matar Boumosleh J, Jaalouk D. Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students- A cross sectional study. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 4;12(8):e0182239. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182239. PMID: 28777828; PMCID: PMC5544206.)

We are seeing this in OUR students!  While we can't control student usage after school hours, we can help them break away from compulsive use and offer at least a brief vacation from the pressures of social media.  We need them mentally present for learning and are finding that competing for their attention during the school day is not conducive to learning.  We recognize that this will be a difficult change for our students and their parents, but we strongly feel the results will prove to be so positive as to prove our case.  We have some ideas for promoting face to face social exchanges and real fun for kids during lunch (always looking for suggestions!) 

Help us teach kids that responsible use of these magical (for those of us old enough to remember a time without smart phones!) devices in moderation and with self control.