Students receiving certificates at the Monthly Awards Ceremony
about 2 years ago, Kris Freeland
3rd Grade
NO SCHOOL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4th TIGER DEN DAY CAMP PROVIDED There will be no school on Friday, November 4th due to the the football playoffs in Howells, NE. The DCS Elementary will be providing a Tiger Den Day camp on Friday Nov. 4th for K-6th grade students. If you would like your child to attend you will need to call the Elementary by 11:00am Wednesday Nov. 2nd to sign them up. Breakfast and lunch will be provided per usual and charge to your child's account. Parents will be responsible for transportation (There will be no bus transportation). Drop off will be from 7:30 am to 8:00am and pickup will be from 2:15-2:30. The Elementary office number is 308 423 2216 Thank you , Mr. Freeland
about 2 years ago, Kris Freeland
Tiger Logo
Mr. Loughry and some elementary students are practicing the National Anthem. Some things you just have to know. At DCS we are very intentional about this. The students were doing it without help. Thanks Mr. Loughry. Photo courtesy of classroom aide Kim Cole.
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
Music Class and National Anthem
The DCS FFA is handing out Harvest Bags starting today at 1:30. Check out the Dundy County-Stratton FFA & Ag Education page for more information.
about 2 years ago, Kayla Mues
FFA Harvest Bags
It's Halloween.....all staff and students are encouraged to wear a Halloween costume to "Say 'Boo' to Drugs!" for the last day of Red Ribbon Week 2022.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
Red Ribbon Week: Monday Oct 31 Wear A Costume
Join FBLA and the Chamber of Commerce for some Halloween fun on Monday, October 31. FBLA is hosting Costume & Pumpkin Decorating Contests and a Spook Parade for Pre-School through 8th grade. Registration starts at 3:45 with the Parade at 4:15.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
FBLA Halloween Activities - 10-31-2022
DCS tigers win second round payoff matchup against Johnson Brock 48-8. Great team effort Tigers. Great school pride! On we go!!!
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
DCS and JB
DCS and JB
DCS and JB
DCS and JB
DCS leads Johnson Brock at the half 32-8. The Tiger defense has been stingy.
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
DCS Half
DCS Half
DCS Half
DCS Half
Friday Celebration: VIPs for the week and Andrew E. received his certificate from Superintendent Anderson as the Board Representative. This weeks VIPs were Makia W., Mica D., Holly H., Zoey R., Klayton R., and Brock B. Two of these VIPs were nominated by students this week.
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
Friday Celebration
Friday Celebration
Friday Celebration
Friday Celebration
Red Ribbon Week dress-up theme for Friday, October 28 is "Team Up Against Drugs" Staff and students are encouraged to wear DCS Tigers fan gear or their favorite team gear. Go Tigers! It's Game Day! #DCSTigers
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
Red Ribbon Week: Friday Oct 28 Wear Team Gear
DCS Senior Mock Trial Team defeats McCook, and DCS Freshmen Team defeats Southern Valley on October 26.
about 2 years ago, Dundy County Stratton Schools
Important feedback is shared with DCS team by the judge .
DCS Freshmen successfully play the roles of attorneys .
Celebrating 5th grader Marley achieving 100 AR points to earn her reading walk!
about 2 years ago, JoLen Stamm
Getting ready!
More confetti!
Celebrating 5th grader Marley for achieving 100 AR points to earn her reading walk!
about 2 years ago, JoLen Stamm
More confetti
Getting ready!
Red Ribbon Week activities continue. Thursday's theme (October 27) is "Our Future is Bright." Staff and students are encouraged to wear neon colors and sunglasses.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
Red Ribbon Week: Thursday Oct 26 Wear Neon & Sunglasses
Wrestling season and Winter Sports are on the way. Coach Fiscus is already pushing the Junior High Wrestlers to do their best. They are in great hands under his guidance. Thanks Coach.
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
JH Wrestling
JH Wrestling
JH Wrestling
JH Wrestling
The 6th grade participated in a virtual field trip October 26. Farmer Dustin took the class along during his corn harvest in eastern Nebraska. The virtual field trip was coordinated by Nebraska Ag in the Classroom.
about 2 years ago, Lesley Marshall
watching the presenter
watching the presenter
watching the presenter
watching the presenter
Red Ribbon Week activities continue. Today's theme (Wednesday, October 26) is "You and Drugs Don't Mix." Staff and students are encouraged to wear mismatched clothes.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
Red Ribbon Week: Wednesday October 26 - You & Drugs Don't Mix
Red Ribbon Week is in full swing at DCS. Dress up days at the high school have been well received. Our students are dressing up and showing their commitment to a drug free life.
about 2 years ago, Troy Lurz
Pajama  Day  and  Wear Red
Pajama  Day  and  Wear Red
Pajama  Day  and  Wear Red
Red Ribbon Week is October 24-31. "Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free" is the 2022 theme. DCS Tigers will dress up daily to participate. TUESDAY is "Wake Up Drug Free" - Wear Pajamas
about 2 years ago, Lisa Fox
Red Ribbon Week Tuesday - Wear Pajamas
Red Ribbon Week is October 24-31. "Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free" is the 2022 theme. DCS Tigers will dress up daily to participate.
about 2 years ago, Dundy County Stratton Schools
Red Ribbon Week: Monday Oct 24 Wear A Red Shirt